Thursday, December 10, 2009


Do you get on FaceBook and do you Twitter? What's it all about? I get on FaceBook and Twitter for two entirely different reasons. I first signed up for both but found Twitter to be unfulfilling. Not everyone I followed, followed me so I eventually made my account inactive and focused on FaceBook.

FaceBook has been a lot of fun. Seeing what everyone is doing. The things they say, the places they go. I'm able to see vacation and party pictures. One day Terry mentioned someone's name. I quickly said, "They're on vacation. Do you want to know how I know? FaceBook." I was so proud of myself. But really, people who are friends with me on FaceBook, I do consider friends but don't see them often or maybe I'm not in their inner circle of friends but we're still friends so I'm interested in what they're doing, saying, etc. I'm friends with people from my old church that I don't see. I'm friends with out-of-town family. I found out about a death in the family on FaceBook before the phones started ringing. That's what FaceBook is about; being in touch with people you see often or maybe not, but just making a connection that I probably wouldn't otherwise make. I love that!!

Twitter? Well, I recently activated my account again but took a different approach this time. I primarily, but not entirely, follow people who state in their profile they are Christians and most of them blog but not all. Most of them I do not know personally and live in other areas of the country. I can sit for 30 minutes or more and read 100 Tweets. Probably 70% of them are full of scripture or links to their blogs or other peoples' blogs. It has been a great source of encouragement reading scripture, something about scripture they've just read, about their lives or how God is working in their lives. Sometimes I will "retweet", and I'm sure the "retweets" feed to FaceBook so my friends over there can be "encouranged" also. Sometimes people will ask for prayer. Often times I stop and say a prayer for that specific need, then tweet back to let them know someone read their request and did, in fact, pray for them. Isn't that cool? Pray for someone you don't know personally, somewhere else in the country, possibly international but God hears that prayer and knows THAT person by name.

So are you on FaceBook? Do you Twitter? If so, I'm curious why? Send me a comment!!

Romans 1:12 Be mutually encouraged by each other's faith... HCB


Stephanie Shott said...

I thought I would never be a Facebooker or a Twitterer...but I confess...I'm both.

I love how the social media has allowed the body of Christ to become networked in ways we never thought possible. We can cheer each other on, pray for one another, cry with each other and encourage one another like never before.

Like Marsha, I use Facebook with my family and friends. It's more personal and I'm able to find out what's going on with those who I know, even though I don't keep in touch with them very often.

Twittering has been a blessing in that it has expanded my boarders and allowed me to connect with the family of God beyond my own little world.

So, I do Facebook and I do Twitter. Who'd of thunk it?

Erin @ Closing Time said...

Hi Marsha! Thanks so much for following me on Twitter. I do pretty much the same as you. My Facebook account is for people I know in real life. Twitter is different. It's amazing how many encouraging believers I have gotten in touch with there!

TheFiveOneGal said...

I FB in hopes that someone out there cares what I'm doing....jk..I FB b/c its simply fun. Although I am often surprised at what is posted by friends and those I worship with...both in the positive and, well, disapointing. Started to tweet..didnt get it and stopped. Blog is for me to share my thoughts and more detail of certain lessons I learn or things that affect me, not the brief superficial thats on FB. I can look back over a year og blag and go, like wow. (yes, i do work w/ students!!)