Friday, November 13, 2009


It's been almost six months since I last sat down to write anything. One reason is I began a different blog doing daily verse devotions ( but even that I stopped. A lot has happened in the last several months. I turned 50 in July; had major surgery in August and began a new job in September - actually went back to a job I love...working at my church. If you go back and read older posts you would see where I was struggling, praying and hoping God would answer my prayers on a specific issue. The job was the issue. God knows I am not patient; in fact I wrote about patience one day but God forced me to be patient. It was not easy. I never really got the hang of waiting (ha-ha) but He is always in control so whether I liked it or not, I did have to wait. He has blessed me greatly, though, and I am so grateful. One of the other new things in my life is I began working with the 4-5 year olds at my church on Wednesday nights. Due to recovering from surgery, Wednesday nights have been physically hard on me. It's not that I'm doing anything terribly physical but for some reason, I am sooo drained and tired when I get home. But where I am physically tired, I can say that it has beem spiritually very rewarding. I have a great group of workers and the kids are so sweet, lively but very sweet. I have recovered pretty well from surgery (it's been about 2 1/2 months as I write). I can't say I feel completely ok but so much better and know I am getting closer everyday. Now it is time to sit back down at the computer and begin to focus again on my walk with the Lord. I never really have been a writer before but I do find it helps to put my thoughts down in a more formal manner and to acknowledge what God is doing in my life. I think writing helps me to focus more because it causes me to really think on what is going on in my life. My desire is to always have the focus on Jesus because of what He has done in my life. I am getting back in the game, if you will. Asking God to speak to me as I seek Him.

1 comment:

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Hi Marsha!

I teach Sunday School for grades 1-3 and help out with our church's Master Club program on Wed night... even without any physical activity per se, it really is draining to just BE there! :) I have learned and grown so much though, I wouldn't trade the tiredness for anything. I imagine it would be tremendously more difficult if I had surgery though! (((hugs))) to you for hanging in there!