Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I recently started reading Beth Moore's book "Breaking Free." I've got my seatbelt on for this one. While I chose the book "for someone else" (quote-unquote) I have a feeling God has a lot to show me "for me."

Here's a few quotes from Beth Moore in the book...
"I want it [the message of this book] to pull at your life so powerfully that the bondage of mediocre discipleship will never again be acceptable."
"A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for him or her."
"I was the worst kind of captive: a prisoner unaware."
"God wants to do in your life what your mind has never conceived."

Recently Renee R. posted a song on FaceBook that has had a powerful affect on my life by Matthew West called "The Motions." What a song!?! Here are some of the words..."This might hurt/I don't want to go through the motions/Your all consuming passion/what if I had given you everything?/just ok is not enough." Here's the link...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaHmiFaX_pk.

Kevin C. twitted this quote earlier today..."The difference between where you are & where God wants you to be may be the painful decision you refuse to make." - Craig Groeschel

Seems like there is a similar message God is giving me from several sources. What if I had given everything? What in my life is keeping me from the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God has planned for me? Just ok is not enough. I want to be different. I want to be where God wants me to be. I'm going deeper with God!!

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