Tuesday, December 9, 2008


My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. James 1:2-3 (NCV)

Someone just said this comment to me..."I hope this whole thing isn’t frustrating you." Later, as I was waiting on the sun porch for Minor aka Mean Dog to come back inside I was flipping through a devotional magazine I subscribe to and came to a page titled Patience. About six months ago I was in a situation that was very frustrating to me but that was because I was impatient. My frustration now is for the same reason - once again - I'm impatient. (Let me also clarify that I am not having many kinds of troubles as the passage I chose in James might imply. Just wanted to clear the record on that...) Anyway, it dawned on me why I'm feeling frustrated again is because I'm impatient. Why's it taking so long? It shouldn't be this hard. You know how it is. The devotional I was reading said the following: "Patience is all about waiting and persevering through trying situations...We must exercise patience in order for it to grow. Just like a muscle that will remain immature and weak without sufficient exercise, so is our patience." Well, my "muscle of patience" is getting a work out right now, can I just say?? Yes and it needs to be!! The situation may or may not turn out as I hope but I give it to God and know it's His situation. He will choose what's best, and I accept that. My prayer is that I will learn to relax and just...be patient. I'm trying...I'm trying.

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